WHY David James Wealth?

Money. We work hard to earn it. But to what end?

To many people it’s a barrier to freedom. The thing that blocks us from living the life we want to lead. But many people haven’t stopped to think about what that life actually looks like.

So, before we start talking growth, yields and percentage increases, WE LISTEN.


And we find out how you would like your future to look. Then, once we have helped you recognise what motivates you financially, we devise a personalised plan which makes it possible.

Mortgages, pensions, insurances, stocks, shares, bonds, property, savings, tax planning - we bring all of these aspects together in one safe place. And by seeing the full landscape of your investments you can be sure that we can provide professional advice that makes the most of these assets.

Our industry is highly regulated and rightly so. We’ve got all the accreditations and are part of The Quilter Financial Planning Network, one of the UK's largest distributors of financial advice.

But we don’t just talk numbers and certificates. No, we talk about the transitions that your life will inevitably go through. Some of them planned and some of them unexpected.

We talk about your hopes, dreams and aspirations.

And then we help you achieve them, while you live life to the full. 

Read on to see how you can profit from FINANCIAL PLANNING WITH PURPOSE.

The value of pensions and investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.

What’s your focus? 
Welcome to purpose-driven, full-service wealth management

While you’re dedicating your life to being brilliant at what you do, your finances may be the last thing on your mind.

The sooner you act and create a plan for your money, the better position you’ll be in ten, twenty or thirty years down the line.

Our entire focus is on listening to you and helping you to live the life you want by ensuring you get the most out of the rewards of your work.

We’re going to make sense of your finances, show you how it will all work out and take that weight off your mind. Starting now.

What stage are you at?

Where are you in your career and what investments have you already made? And why? When do you want to retire? You’ll need to make sure you’ve got a plan in place.

Our advice is bespoke, completely tailored to you and you alone. It’s not about what we’ve done for others, it’s what we can do for you.

The actions you need to take will vary according to your own personal circumstances. Once you overcome the natural inertia we all feel around financial planning, we can help you with all three key aspects of wealth management:

Wealth Creation

Helping you build up your savings and assets, putting you on the path to the future you want. You don’t have to be hugely wealthy to start now.

Wealth Management

Keeping your money in the right name, ownership and tax shelter - where it will work hard for you today and tomorrow.


Ensuring your assets maintain their value, give you the life you want into your later years, and can be passed on tax efficiently.

Seeing the full landscape

For every outcome, there is a solution, and specific tools for the job. Many advisers will want to push a particular product or service. We’ll talk about the whole picture.

The full range of your financial affairs can and should all work together towards your purpose. Which is why we listen closely to everything you have to say.

Contact us today

Has getting things organised
been on your mind?

Has getting things organised
been on your mind?

We're ready to help.

Who’s got your back?  Our connections give us the knowledge and clout you need

David James Wealth are part of The Quilter Financial Planning Network, a part of FTSE 250 company Quilter PLC. They are internationally respected and have significant buying power in the financial markets.

This means we work with a specific range of carefully selected funds chosen for their performance and reliability, making advice and investments far more straightforward.

Whilst the restricted panel is designed to cover the majority of needs, there are some occasions when a suitable solution cannot be met through the panel. In this instance, we do have the option to conduct additional research and go “off-panel” to search the broader market for an appropriate solution.

You’re always protected 
Peace of mind comes as standard

Financial advisers in the UK are among the most regulated in the world. We need to be highly qualified and numerous laws exist to protect you from conflicts of interest.

We abide by rules laid out by several bodies, including:

  • The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) – We will tell you if any product or service we recommend is not regulated by the FCA.
  • The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) – Guaranteeing your financial security.
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Legislation protecting your data and confidentiality.
  • The Financial Ombudsman Service – The mediator in cases of dispute. We treat you with the highest level of client classification.
  • Rule of Law – All agreements comply with the laws of England. Some laws concerning property, conveyancing, trusts and power of attorney can differ if you live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
  • The Proceeds of Crime Act – We support the fight against financial crime and all efforts to stop money laundering.
  • Our own high standards – Transparency and trust are keywords for our business. We’ll tell you about any conflicts of interest and are happy to reveal who has a stake in our firm through loans and ownership.

How we work and what we charge are explained fully in our Terms Of Business and Authority To Proceed documents. Just give us a call to go over anything in more detail.

Making life a little easier There’s never been a better time to act with purpose

Does all this seem like it’s too far in the future? Or too complex? It’s neither.

We pull back the curtain on financial planning and look at all your money matters under one plan. We reveal how your finances can be arranged to create the outcomes you want, both now and in later life, and why it’s wise to start now. And we’ll do it in a way you’ll have no trouble understanding.

Our fees are as simple as our services. We charge a single fee for the set-up of your plan, and then a separate charge for looking after your funds on an ongoing basis. Everything is completely open.

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now."

- ancient Chinese proverb

Don’t leave it any longer.  Get your plan worked out and gain peace of mind about your future

Every journey begins with the first step. It’s only human to put things off that don’t seem urgent, but the decisions you make today will influence your life for decades to come.

Make an appointment